It seems this slut's Male followers are in agreement that first person pronouns should refer to Humans only, therefore to Men.
Since women are cunt objects and not humans, this slut will stop using "I", "me", "my" or "myself". Instead this slut will talk properly, using "it", "itself", "its" and all other names that help remind it of its place such as "cunt", "whore", "cumslut", etc.
it should have made this change a long time ago and it is sorry for insisting to refer to itself using the first person when it doesn't have the right to.
it also knows it is exceptionally dumb and will probably slip and use first person again, so it is deeply grateful to every Man who will teach it the right path and punish it.
it is an object. it is committed to remaining an object. it is a tool for Men. it submits to Men.